· healthy

What are the effects of eucommia leaf and mulberry leaf extract? The efficacy and role of Eucommia? Raw eucommia has the effect of lowering blood pressure, and cooked eucommia has the effect of nourishing the kidney. The bark of Eucommia unprocessed is called the original medicine, and raw Eucommia is to wash the original medicine, brush off the rough skin, separate the thickness, cut into wide strips, and dry for later use. Cooked eucommia refers to fried eucommia, which is also known as salt eucommia, saline fried eucommia, broiled eucommia, burnt eucommia, etc. Spray and mix well with salt water to clean Eucommia silk, wait for exhaustion, then stir-fry with slow fire until yellow-brown and use as medicine. Can nourish liver and kidney, strengthen muscles and bones.

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Eucommia leaf and mulberry leaf extracts have synergistic effects:

Eucommia leaves are rich in more than 80 active ingredients, and mulberry leaves also contain a variety of active ingredients, but the types of secondary metabolites in Eucommia leaves and mulberry leaves are not the same. For example, secondary metabolites such as alkaloids contained in mulberry leaves are not found in Eucommia leaves. Among them, DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin) is unique to mulberry leaves in the plant kingdom; and some secondary metabolites in Eucommia leaves There are no substances in mulberry leaves, so the effects of Eucommia leaves and mulberry leaves are different. This difference just constitutes complementarity. Therefore, after the combination of the two, the function of nourishing the liver and kidney, strengthening bones and muscles of Eucommia leaves and the functions of dispersing wind and heat, clearing liver and improving eyesight of mulberry leaves are complementary, and the nature and taste are balanced.https://walkingbloger.blogspot.com/

The hypoglycemic effect of mulberry leaves is achieved through two channels: one is to inhibit the activity of disaccharide-decomposing enzymes through the alkaloid DNJ (1-deoxynojirimycin), thereby inhibiting the absorption of disaccharides in the small intestine and reducing the intake of food. Second, through mulberry leaf alkaloids fagomine and mulberry leaf polysaccharides to promote the secretion of insulin by β cells, and insulin can promote the utilization of sugar by cells, the synthesis of liver glycogen and the improvement of glucose metabolism, and finally achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar .