The Amazing Health Benefits of Citrus Bergamot Extract

A Natural Remedy for High Cholesterol and Beyond

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Citrus bergamot extract comes from the bergamot orange, a citrus fruit that grows almost exclusively in southern Italy. The extract from this fruit, especially from the peel and juice, has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits, especially for heart health and metabolic wellness.

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Citrus bergamot extract is most well-known for its ability to lower high cholesterol. Several studies have found that bergamot extract supplements can reduce total cholesterol and LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels in people with hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol. Bergamot extract is thought to work similarly to statin drugs, by blocking an enzyme involved in cholesterol production in the liver. However, bergamot extract is natural and may provide other benefits as well.

Improve Metabolic Health

Bergamot extract may also help improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity. Some research shows bergamot extract supplements can significantly lower blood sugar levels after meals in patients with high blood sugar. Bergamot extract is also thought to reduce insulin resistance, making cells more responsive to the effects of insulin. This could have major benefits for metabolic health and preventing or managing diabetes.

Reduce High Blood Pressure

The flavonoids found in citrus bergamot extract are thought to have blood pressure-lowering effects. Some early research indicates bergamot extract supplements may reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure. Bergamot extract may work by dilating blood vessels, increasing circulation and making it easier for the heart to pump blood.

Fight Inflammation and Boost Immunity

Bergamot extract has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The flavonoids in bergamot extract may help reduce inflammation in the body that leads to health issues like heart disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disease. Bergamot extract may also strengthen the immune system by protecting immune cells against damage from free radicals. Some research shows bergamot extract may enhance the activity of certain cells in the immune system.

Protect Liver Health

Bergamot extract may also help support liver health and function. Animal studies show that bergamot extract can protect liver cells from damage caused by toxins and may even help regenerate liver tissue. Bergamot extract appears to reduce inflammation in the liver, protect liver cells from oxidation, and may block the accumulation of fats in the liver.

For people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD, bergamot extract could help halt or even reverse liver damage. Some early research in humans shows that bergamot extract supplements can significantly reduce markers of liver inflammation and fat accumulation in NAFLD patients. More studies are still needed, but citrus bergamot extract shows promising potential as a natural treatment for liver health.

Improve Digestive Health

The flavonoids in bergamot extract have digestion-soothing properties. Bergamot extract may help relieve bloating, gas, cramps, and indigestion. It works as a natural anti-spasmodic, calming spasms in the stomach and intestines. Bergamot extract also stimulates gastric juices, including bile, stomach acid and pancreatic enzymes. This can enhance fat and protein digestion in the gut.

Some research even shows bergamot extract supplements may ease symptoms in those with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, and other digestive complaints. The anti-inflammatory effects of bergamot flavonoids benefit gut health and overall digestive function.

Protect Against Certain Cancers

Bergamot extract also has properties that may help protect against the formation and spread of cancer cells. The flavonoids in bergamot extract function as natural antioxidants that fight cell damage linked to cancer development. They may also help block the growth of new blood vessels that feed cancer cells.

Specifically, bergamot extract has been studied for its potential against colon cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer cells. In laboratory studies, bergamot extract suppressed cancer cell proliferation, induced programmed cell death, and halted the spread of cancer cells. Although more research is needed, these results suggest bergamot extract may have anti-cancer activity and could support conventional cancer treatments.

The myriad of benefits of citrus bergamot extract stem from its unique flavonoid profile, including melitidine and brutieridine. These powerful plant compounds work together to positively impact health in so many ways. As an all-natural supplement, bergamot extract is appealing to those looking for complementary treatments to modern medicine or a way to optimize health through nutrition and diet. When taken as directed and under the care of your doctor, citrus bergamot extract can be a safe adjunctive therapy or daily supplement for overall wellness and longevity.